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AECO Pure Silver RCA Connectors (Pair)

  • Pure silver RCA plugs
  • Sold in pairs
  • Free 5% silver solder

Black Rhodium Cantata DCT++ CS Stereo Interconnects

Black Rhodium's Best Interconnect – and how! Now even better! XLR or RCA connectors. Product data sheet is here.

MCRU No. 44 Stereo Interconnect

Following the introduction of the KLE (Keith Eichmann) Harmony RCA plugs we have experimented with a variety of different cables to offer our customers a varied choice of performance levels using the same RCA plugs with different cables. The NO.44 uses silver plated copper conductors.

MCRU NO.2 Stereo Interconnect

The first UK interconnect cable to feature Keith Eichmanns new design of RCA plug (the Harmony), we have constructed this interconnect using the same cable from our "Ultimate", pure silver cable with carbon infused sleeving to prevent RFI pickup.

SLiC Innovations MKIII XLR Cables

  • SLiC Innovations Cable
  • Xhadow XLR Connectors
  • The Ultimate XLR Cable