With hundreds of pieces of hi-fi equipment being powered by DC, and in particular nasty wall-wart switch mode plugs, Mains Cables R Us has compiled a growing list of equipment that we build power supplies for. The important message is: ‘ditch the switch’ and use one of our fully-regulated linear power supplies for immediate sound quality improvements – or your money back.
Ferrum Audio – Hypsos Dual Output Power Supply
Read the White Paper Here
Ferrum Audio – Hypsos Hybrid Power Supply
Regulated Linear Power Supply Selector
With the number of hi-fi items that are powered by a DC wall wart plug increasing weekly, its impossible to list them all on our site, so simply order a power supply using this section and tell us the make and model number if its no already in the menu, we will determine the correct voltage etc and build one for you. As an example Denon DA-300USB DAC.