We stock a plethora of hi-fi accessories and tweaks, from equipment supports to loudspeaker spikes. If you require anything not listed on our website, please get in touch to see if we can help.

Showing 1–12 of 139 results

Acoustifeet Anti-Vibration Feet (FIRM)

  •  7.5kg Load per Foot
  •  Self Adhesive
  •  Silicone Elastomer
  • These are the firm version (we also sell soft feet)

Acoustifeet Anti-Vibration Feet SOFT

  •  3.5kg Load per Foot
  •  Self Adhesive
  •  Silicone Elastomer
  • These are the soft version (we also sell firm feet)

Apogee MIni DAC Linear Power Supply

Improved linear power supply for Apogee Mini DAC, throw the wall wart away now and fit this for immediate sound quality improvements.

Arcam irDAC Linear Power Supply

All MCRU linear power supplies are designed and built in the UK, many having been awarded 5 stars in the UK hi-fi press, the latest design for the new Arcam ir-dac, proven design able to substantially improve sound quality or your money back.

Arcam R-Dac Linear Power Supply

○ Regulated Linear PSU ○ Award Winning Design ○ Built in the UK ○ Improves Sound Quality

Audio Origami – AMPodium Amplifier Isolation Platform

The AMPodium by Audio Origami is a high-end isolation platform for amplifiers that protects the signal from ground-based resonance
Crafted from thick, rigid perspex and combined with highly effective isolation pillars, the AMPodium stops harmful vibrations degrading the audio signal.
Designed for large amplifiers and mono-blocks. the AMPodium provides a safe and stable platform that promotes cooling as well as excellent isolation.

Audio Origami – isoGlobes

Audio Origami isoGlobes provide excellent audio isolation at an affordable price.
Designed to sit underneath hi-fi electronics or plinths, the clever construction of the isoGlobes absorbs a high level of vibration that otherwise could enter your hi-fi equipment and alter playback.
Audio Origami isoGlobes are constructed from varying density 3D printed PLA+ caps, high-quality rubber o-rings and dense steel balls. The combination of these materials absorbs vibrations and decouples your components from your hi-fi rack.

Audio Origami – IsoPodium

The perfect isolation platform for audiophiles with high-performing source components.
Crafted from thick, rigid perspex and Audio Origami’s outstanding isoPods isolation feet, the isoPodium reduces vibrations reaching your turntable, DAC or CD Player.
The isoPodium looks superb, frees your source component from audible resonances and enhances your musical enjoyment by delivering purer playback.

Audio Origami – isoPods

Audio Origami isoPods are designed to provide a level of isolation previously unmatched in the high-end audio industry.
One of the most overlooked components of hi-fi equipment is the feet that each unit sits on. Most manufacturers glue a thin aluminium layer to a hard shore rubber base and screw them into the unit’s base. This solution is generally ineffective at stopping vibrations from leaking into the component.
Audio Origami isoPods are constructed from a blend of varying density 3D printed honeycomb premium-grade rubber layers and mild steel encapsulated in a sturdy housing and provide a level of isolation previously unachievable in the audio industry.

Audio Origami – isoRac – 2 Tiers

The Audio Origami isoRac is a stunning hi-fi rack system designed to reduce vibrations that degrade the audio signal.
Crafted from rigid perspex, carbon fibre legs and highly effective isolation pillars, the PuraNota isoRac allows your audio equipment to perform to its highest level by reducing ground borne vibrations entering the signal path.

Audio Origami – isoRac – 3 Tiers

The Audio Origami isoRac is a stunning hi-fi rack system designed to reduce vibrations that degrade the audio signal.
Crafted from rigid perspex, carbon fibre legs and highly effective isolation pillars, the PuraNota isoRac allows your audio equipment to perform to its highest level by reducing ground borne vibrations entering the signal path.

Audio Origami – isoRac – 4 Tiers

The Audio Origami isoRac is a stunning hi-fi rack system designed to reduce vibrations that degrade the audio signal.
Crafted from rigid perspex, carbon fibre legs and highly effective isolation pillars, the PuraNota isoRac allows your audio equipment to perform to its highest level by reducing ground borne vibrations entering the signal path.